Monday, 9 April 2012

Just an update

So I'm really enjoying working at the Butchers! And I now childmind for two families on a regular basis (every weekday after school) I've had a couple more donations, I might be doing a wine tasting night if I can get a nice free venue! My old secondary school is split into 5 'houses' and each house has a charity week, where they choose a charity and have to raise as much money as they can for that charity, so that might be a little fundraiser. I'd also possibly go in and maybe do an assembly or speak at the morning teachers briefing, but I seem to have a radio silence from the teacher who's helping me organise :s

Other than that, there's not much else to report. I think we find out where exactly we're going sometime this month, so as soon as I find that out, I'll put up where I'm going and find some information on it!

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