Monday, 17 September 2012

My day-to-day routine.

Every day here so far is much the same, not that I'm complaining! I work a Monday to Friday shift but most volunteers work the 2 week shift (you have a long week and a short week and over 14 days, you only work 7 but you have to be at work at 6am). I work from 1pm until 4pm then I have a 1 hour break while the kids have their outside time. I then work from 5 until 9pm which involves an hour or two (depending which child-care worker is on duty) sat in the corridor outside the childrens rooms partly to make sure they stay in their own rooms and go to sleep, and partly so they feel safe that someone is making sure they're ok. Then at 9 the nightshift arrives and I get to go chill :) Most nights, I'm pretty knackered so I just have something to eat then go to bed, but sometimes on a Friday or Saturday a bunch of us go out to the Beer Garden-an outside pub type thing or to Stones or Rabbit Hole both neither pubs or clubs but a sort of combination.

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