Saturday, 8 December 2012

Remember when England had that Foot and Mouth Epidemic?

Sarah's foot swelled up yesterday morning and she could barely walk. Sarah has terrible skin and is prone to fungus infections and the like so she just thought her eczema was flaring up due to the detergent the laundry uses here. She goes to the doctor after being told it could potentially be SCURVY! Only to find that she hadn't got scurvy, she has Foot and Mouth disease! Foot and Mouth. As in the thing that cows get killed for. Foot and Mouth!!!! She caught it from one of the kids she was working with, better than catching ringworm. And apparently it is very contagious so if she shares cutlery with anyone for a week (starting last Tuesday) or shares a bed with anyone (if only to watch a film) or basically touches or breathes on anyone, they will also get it. Which, in short, means that I also have it! Due to the fact, we regularly share cutlery, beds and what-not!

Ahhhhhh well!

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