Saturday, 9 February 2013

Brazil, Leavers and Sarah's Feet.

Ok so there are 3 things I want to write about today: My new room-mate, people leaving and their parties and Sarah's feet.

Lets start with my new roomie. As I think I've mentioned before, she's from the far and exotic lands of Brazil! Where they speak Portuguese and no English. She speaks a few words of English but it is literally about 5 words and I never imagined how difficult it is! I think I'm a pretty patient person, I can sit with a child going over and over something for hours. But when you're trying to communicate with someone who doesn't even have a basic grasp of the language, its really frustrating. We were trying to ask her if she wanted to heat up her plate of food so we said “Do you want to make your food warm?” and she didn't understand so we simplified “Make food hot?” still nothing so we cut down to one word “hot?” and when even that didn't get a response we pointed at the microwave and made microwave noises. And still we got nothing. In the end, we just put her food in the microwave and hoped she didn't mind. But I can't help but feel as annoying as it is for us trying to talk to her, it must be so isolating. Luckily there is an American guy here called Thor who's father is Cuban so he speaks Spanish and understands Portuguese and the new roomie speaks Portuguese and understands Spanish so together they've made it work!

A lot of people are leaving at the moment. Most volunteers arrive in batches so loads of people arrive in July/August (end of the academic year in most if not all of the northern hemisphere) and they either stay for 6 or 12 months. If they stay for 6 months then they leave around February which is where we are now. So many volunteers are leaving they're throwing a party for them all. I'm doing something, unexpected, with another volunteer and we're basically musical gods with what we've come up with and it works! I can't actually write down yet what's happening in case one of the leavers reads it, it's all a massive secret. But I will write something on Monday :)

And finally, Sarah's feet. Again. Sarah has yet again managed to contract something from one of her kids. I've just realised the way I'm writing this is like she had a choice or it's her fault she caught what she's got. It really isn't and I feel for her. Her foot has swollen up so much and she's in so much pain with it. But she has mastered the art of hopping! She has Impetigo. And poisoning in her lymph. Impetigo is (and I quote from Sarah) a skin condition that leads to blood poisoning. In SA you have to pay for medical treatment (As much as it may have its flaws, the NHS has never looked so good to us!) so one of the medical treatment options we volunteers go for is wait it out. It rarely works, usually folk just have to pay more because they waited and it got worse, but Sarah thought what is there to lose why not wait until Monday. At that point her foot was just swollen and a fair few weeping blisters but it didn't look as bad as when she had foot and mouth so she just left it. But then she got a red rash thing on the bottom of her foot that seemed to follow her veins and when someone mentioned blood poisoning we googled symptoms and given that she had a fair few of them we thought maybe she should go to the doctors. Then there was a brief moment where she thought maybe it was Deep Vein Thrombosis but that was quickly shot down. When she went to the medi-clinic they said it was Impetigo and if it had gotten any worse it would've become full on blood poisoning. So now she has had an IV full of antibiotics and 2 creams to put on lots of times a day as well as a salt water wash thing and antibiotic pills for about a week and she gets off work until Wednesday!

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