Friday, 16 August 2013

Reverse Culture Shock.

OK. So I am back in England. After something like 30 hours of flying where Project Trust or someone else messed up on almost every stage of the journey. But I'm back.

Everything is very stange at the moment, I feel like a visitor or a guest in my house and it almost seems like the whole of the last year was a dream. Everybody seems to be really excited to see me or meet up or whatever and it all seems a little overwhelming, I'm trying to limit myself to only a few reunions a day otherwise I think I might go insane!

Seeing my little brothers again was a HUGE shock. Seth, the youngest one has grown an awful amount and his voice has dropped which is just terrifying. I have to keep telling him to shut up because my brain can't cope with this amount of change. The other brother, Nathan hasn't changed that much but he's grown a bit and he's going to a music festival soon. Yoh, it's crazy.

I still feel quite shell shocked at the moment and don't really feel like writing, but I'll try and put up lots of small things more often instead of fewer big posts.

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