Saturday, 18 August 2012

Completely backtracking.

Yup, after speaking to a parent, she pointed out that I would be able to write about the day-to-day aspects of living in South Africa, even if I didn't write about the kids and what I was doing in the home. So I have decided (as long as internet isn't too expensive) that I WILL keep posting in my blog and if I can write about the kids then I will and if not then I'll just write about what it's like to live in South Africa from an English point of veiw!

I have also decided to take my laptop (that is now about 3/4 years old) despite warnings of thefts and what-not. The crime rate is S.A  is quite high so we've been told not to take anything precious in case it gets stolen or just lost or damaged. One of the returned volunteers I spoke to said she'd had all her stuff of any value nicked, but it meant that she learnt to live on a rubbish phone and that was it, so she had nothing worth nicking (I should point out I currently use a nokia 3310 and swear by it!). So bearing all this in mind, I wasn't going to take any electronics out, except for my brick of an English phone for keeping in touch and very possibly my ancient Ipod classic (which is also beginning to give up the ghost). But recently,  I've noticed how knackerd my laptop is and I've come to the decision that I'll back up all my pictures and files and leave copies at home, and I'll take my beautiful laptop to experience the world with me...and if it gets stolen, it can do some exploring by its self. And now everybody know I'm crazy ;)

12 Days!

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