Friday, 24 August 2012

No Time Left

This time next week, I'll be in Jo'burg! Which leaves me thinking: ARGH! How has this year gone so fast?! I'm nearly packed, I have my passort and visa, I have a plug adaptor and I've had all my vaccinations. I'm slightly ashamed to say I haven't even thought about money and how I'm going to get it out of my bank-there's a charge everytime you take money out so I'm trying to find a way to avoid it. However I might have found a solution so I'm calling my bank in a minute to find out more :)

I'm taking my little brother out for a meal tomorrow. It was supposed to be me and both brothers, but the 15yr old is having a mid-teen crisis and refuses to be associated with our family in any way, so walking through the middle of Manchester with his "nerdy big sister and chavvy little brother" is too much for the kid's brain to handle!

6 Days!!!!

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